Temperature: -10 to +50°C
Relative humidity: 10 to 95% (no ncondensing)
Standby: ≤16µA
Alarm : ≤40mA
Type: Electrochemical
Life: 3-5 years
Respond range: 0~999ppm
Sensitivity: 1ppm
Temperature: -10 to +50°C
Relative humidity: 10 to 95% (no ncondensing)
Standby: ≤16µA
Alarm : ≤40mA
Type: Electrochemical
Life: 3-5 years
Respond range: 0~999ppm
Sensitivity: 1ppm
<50 PPM = no respond
50-100 PPM = 60-90 min.
100-200 PPM =10-40 min.
200-300 PPM = 10-30 sec.
>300 PPM = 5 sec.
<50 PPM = no respond
50-100 PPM = 60-90 min.
100-200 PPM =10-40 min.
200-300 PPM = 10-30 sec.
>300 PPM = 5 sec.